Use Composers to Manage WordPress Dependencies more Smoothly

Since its origin in the year 2003, WordPress has come a long way. In the beginning only normal blogs were created by WordPress. At present WordPress is used not in a limited manner. Big & reputed companies’ websites are now based on WordPress. Many Ecommerce sites are created on WordPress. Next generation web apps’ platforms are now based on WordPress.

Many web developers are now building complex websites & web apps based on WordPress. Growing size of projects are posing problems in respect of dependencies. To synchronise different dependencies of a given project become a difficulty. Plugin versions came out of synchronisation as a project is handled by different developers & they use different versions of WordPress over a period of time. This soon led an out of control situation as various bases of codes were used & probability of errors also increased.

To maintain uniformity across dependencies apt developers efficiently use composer of dependency-management tool to streamline the processes of development & to hold on the synchronisation of dependencies across various teams of development reliably & consistently.

This article will follow a planned way which is as follows:

We shall give a brief introduction of dependency management; depict its importance & advantages of the process.

Then we shall give a definition of Composer & how it is helpful in managing the dependencies.

Dependency-what is it?

In simplest form we can define it as a library or a framework. Dependency is normally delivered by a third party. Functionalities of your websites depend on them. For example an entire framework can be a dependency or it can also include a simple library of date-conversion.

Several libraries are worked upon for a single website. Each of these libraries delivers its unique in-built functionalities. You create your codes based on them. These libraries are integral parts of the base of codes of a website. For successful delivery of a website it is crucial that all developers work with sets of dependencies that are identical & that too every time.

To simplify it we must define a formal process to manage these libraries or frameworks. Often a central tool is used to control this process of managing various dependencies. This tool tracks different versions of packages implemented in a particular project.

In respect of WordPress where does dependency stand?

Several dependencies comprise a WordPress project. These are included by the following components:

Plugins:  We all know that plugins increase functionalities of a WordPress project. Themes: Parent themes could be implemented through dependencies.

Core of WordPress: Websites could not function without this core framework.

Most often little attentions are paid to manage these crucial dependencies reliably & consistently. A large team of developers can generate a situation where different members would use different dependencies installed.

Take a simple example: a project is using ACF or Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Developer A & B are working on it. The website’s functionality depends upon versions of this plugin. Suppose developer A needs to add new features which are unfortunately absent in the version of the plugin used by the developer. So he downloads the newest version (if available) & installs it. This solves his problems in quicker time. Sadly developer B is unaware of this development & continues to work with the earlier version. This will generate a complex problem as dependencies of the same project changed with the change in the code base.

In contrast smaller teams with a good inter-communication system are apt to solve such problems more easily. In distributed & large teams such problems can easily get out of hand & may also increase the probability of errors added into the code base of the project. Such errors may cause major headaches in particular on the day of website launch.

Advantages of a tool for dependency-management

Your life can be made a lot easier by implementing processes & tools to manage the dependencies in particular if you are in a big team based project development.

The benefits are as follows:


Specific versions have specific dependencies that ensure everyone is developing from similar platforms.

Visibility: In a single place all dependencies are defined thus making it visible at a single place by all developers & designers.

Ease of utility: A single tool is used to handle dependency management. This will streamline & simplify the processes of installation & update.

Composers allow us to establish dependent libraries for our projects. Those dependent libraries’ installations are automated by Composers.

Composer being used to manage dependencies

We can use Composer for PHP tool to use benefits of actual dependency management. Most of the coding languages have their own dependency management systems for example Ruby’s Bundler. PHP’s offer is Composer. Recently it has established itself as the tool for dependency management.

Adoption of the concept of “packages” or distinct groups of codes can be described through the manifestation of files that include meta-data about every package (in addition of its own dependencies).


WordPress development services are using Composers to better manage large scale projects. Many possibilities associated with them are needed to be explored further. Go ahead & using Composers manage your WordPress dependencies quickly & efficiently. l